This award has rules, just like all the others, so here they are:
- Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
- They must also answer the 11 questions the 'tagger' has set for them.
- They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.
- They must then choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers and tag them in their post.
- These lucky bloggers must then be told.
- There's no tag backs.

The Leibster Award is awarded to blogs with under 200 followers to help them gain followers and exposure to other blogs. Sounds like a great idea to me!
11 Things About Me
- I am starting university in 3 weeks to study Psychology and Biology.
- I am a big fan of baking.
- I like to read a lot.
- I spend a ridiculous amount of my life watching boxsets of TV shows.
- I am a massive Audrey Hepburn fan.
- My favourite colour is winey purple/red.
- My favourite animals are foxes and whales.
- I really want to visit Alaska (to see Chris McCandless' bus) and Iceland (to see the Aurora Borealis).
- I love gangster movies and war movies.
- I have a list of places to visit before I die, it takes up two pages!
- And finally, I love Christmas time, best time of the year!
11 Questions from Caroline
- Why did you start your blog? I really love nail art and I had been reading a variety of nail blogs for about a year when I decided I wanted to have one too.
- Do you ever feel like you won't get more followers? Do you ever loose hope and think that blogging was a bad idea? Why? I didn't really make my blog with the aim of getting followers. It's more a blog for me to put my pictures somewhere and I can look back on them, having followers and people interested in my nails is just a bonus!
- What keeps you motivated to keep blogging? It kinda justifies the crazy amounts of nail polish I buy!
- What is your favorite brand of polish? Ooooh, I would saaaaay... Models Own.
- What is your favorite nail art trend? Probably gradients or stamping (does that count as a trend?)
- How do you wear your nails most of the time? Long, short, medium? Plain color? Crazy art? Stamping? I want to know! Normally medium length with an accent nail or stamping.
- What is your favorite manicure that you've ever done? Post a picture or link! My favourite would probably be my peacock nails. (Picture at the bottom of these questions)
- With nails, beauty, and blogging out of the way, what are your other hobbies or pastimes? I read and bake a lot. I also watch a lot of TV and I'm really into music.
- What is your favorite song? Ride by Cary Brothers, its been my favourite song since I was 16.
- Who is your favorite band/artist? This is hard!! Uhm... At the moment Ben Howard but I go through phases.
- What are your top 5 favorite blogs? Polished Pinay,
Clothes, Cosmetics and Chat, Man Polish, Varnished Valkyrie and The PolishAholic
My 11 questions for the people I've tagged
- How long have you been blogging?
- What motivated you to start your blog?
- What is your favourite thing about blogging?
- Does your nail art get noticed by strangers in real life? Do you like this?
- How many nail polishes do you own?
- What is your favourite nail colour for the 4 different seasons? (One per season)
- Have you ever considered taking your hobby further? (i.e. nail/make up courses, working in a nail salon)
- Do you research swatches/reviews before you buy a polish or are you an impulse buyer?
- Are their polishes you can't get in your country that you really want?
- What is the most amount of money you would spend on a polish and why?
- Would you even consider making YouTube tutorials of your nail art? Why/why not?
Now for the 11 people I've tagged (this just reminded me that I never got around to tagging for my first award!)
- Polished Pinay
- AbbieNail
- Figgy Lane
- Maggie's Nails
- Nail Narcotics!
- OMFGyournails
- Polish Crazed
- Sunshine Rose
- Wendy's Delights
- Lacquer Enhanced
Thank you again to Caroline for tagging me!
Thanks for the tag Becca! I love war movies as well, just watched Expendables 2 - fantastic!
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! Oooh thats a good one :) I recommend a boxset called Band Of Brothers, its unbelievably good!
DeleteThanks Becca!! I just got back from Iceland!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! I'm so jealous! I hope you had a good time and hopefully you'll put up some pictures!