Thursday, 27 September 2012

Liebster Award No. 2!

A few weeks ago Ashley over at Life Of A Polish Addict nominated me for another Liebster Award! So thank you Ashley! Everyone go check out her blog,  it's fab.

Because I already received a Liebster award I didn't think there would be much point going through the whole process again (and to be honest I don't have enough time with uni!) so I'll just answer Ashley's questions and you can check out my other post for the rest here.
1. How may nail polishes do you own?
Well over 300... Not a lot compared to some bloggers but they definitely take up a lot of room!
2.What is your favorite nail polish of all time?
Ooooh... This is hard! Probably Models Own's Scarlet Sparkle
3.What is your favorite season?
Winter! Looooove it!
4. How much $$$$ would you spend on your favorite nail polish?
 On my favourite... Probably about £10ish if I really loved it.
5. How do you store your polish?
 I have a nail polish rack but that doesn't hold all of them, I also have a box and two smaller racks full.

6. How often do you paint your nails?
 Twice a week, always! I'm kinda OCD about it haha.
7. Do you ever pick off your polish?
 Nope, only if my nail is flaking at the tip... but I guess that's peeling the nail not the polish.
8. How did you get started with nail blogging? 
 I really enjoyed reading other nail blogs and decided that it would be fun and a good way to justify the amount I spend on nail polish!
9. What is your favorite fall nail polish?
 Fall... I really like Avon's Lucky Penny. It's a burnt orange and looks like those really beautiful orange leaves you always see in Autumn.
10. What do you think is going to be the biggest fall nail trend this year?
 I have no idea... I don't really keep up with nail trends, I just do my own thing.
11. What is your cutest nail design?
Hmmm cutest... Maybe my Ikat/Aztec nails.